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Saturday, July 19, 2008
Cute KeyChains.

SG$2.50 each !

Living in my own world

11:51 PM

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Condition: Brand New with Tag
Price: S$18.00

Living in my own world

5:39 AM


Condition: 9/10
Price: S$12.00

Living in my own world

5:27 AM


Condition: 9/10
Price: S$3.00

Living in my own world

5:23 AM


Full image of the shirt

CLose view of the ribbon

The brand and size tag on the shirt
Condition: 9 1/2 / 10 [[ As it is washed before, but was not worn before]]
Price: S$12.00

Living in my own world

5:14 AM


Condition: Brand New
Price: S$8.00

Living in my own world

5:10 AM

~Black Beaded Bracelet~

Condition: 10/10
Price: S$3.00

Living in my own world

5:01 AM

~Cute Handphone Charm~

Condition; Brand New
Price: S$3.50 each

Living in my own world

3:21 AM


Pretty embossing of the Anna Sui logo @ the interior of the wallet.
Condition: Brand new w/o tag.
Price: S$18.00

Living in my own world

3:00 AM



If you have any enquires, feel free to mail us at foreva_frenz94@hotmail.com
Please do not add on msn

Short description

Hello everybody, welcome to my bloggie! For those of you who’ve known me, well you do know that I’m a certified shopaholic (by the way I love the shopaholic series of books by Sophie Kinselle!). Well, this has resulted in a lot of impulsive buys over the past couple of months. Hence I’ve decided to sell away some of my stuffs at a much much lower price =D Feel free to browse and look around. Let me know what are the items you are interested in and if you buy more, I’ll give you a good discount ;P Cheers!

Terms & Conditions

-No dead buyers pls.
-Mode of payment: i-banking, ATM transfer or cheque via mail.
-Cash payment only for meet ups.
-Payment is to be made 3 days after the deal is confirmed.
-Meet up only for transactions above S$10.00.
-Transactions below S$10.00, the item will be posted to you.
-Feel free to contact me via email should you require any clarifications.
-You may ask any questions regarding the product you are interested in.



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